Our causes impact specific cross sections of our society that need to be supported socially, culturally and economically.
Learn more by clicking on the links below:
At Sanshil Foundation, we believe that your time is the most precious commodity that can help us impact more lives. So, If you have the inclination and a little bit of your time, please reach out to us. Because, it is only together that we can bring about the change we want to see.
It takes a lot of effort to give time and share skills with the needy. Especially so in todays busy times. We thank our volunteers
for taking painstaking efforts over months and years to help us reach where we are!
There is always such a flurry of activity at our Projects. Energised teams are working round the clock to ensure the beneficiaries get the most from the opportunities we are trying to create for their future. Education, Vocational and skill development , Sports and Job opportunities. See our upcoming events below where the action is in full swing.
Crowdfunding campaigns pan India.
Online classes , storytelling sessions and workshops by student volunteers Pan India, Canada and USA.
While we work hard with our volunteers and beneficiaries, what keeps us going are the precious words of
appreciation that recognize our efforts!
I have recently spent some months visiting the Bagiya school of the Sanshil foundation, run by the tireless Shilpa....Read More
It has always been a pleasure to work towards a cause! Bagiya has been part of my LIFE for....Read More
Bagiya holds the key to social transformation. It accommodates & prepares all students ; Bagiya team has been instrumental....Read More
I have loved working with the Bagiya school. I thoroughly enjoy our Saturday lessons with the children, as I....Read More
From the first class I had with the children from Bagiya it has been a great pleasure to work....Read More
Even though I’ve been associated with Bagiya for over 8 years now.. it’s been a year since I came....Read More
I started my association with Bagiya school with 30 underserved students, to train them for a 3 km run.....Read More
Each one of us can - Touch a Life ! Change a Life!